Tag: dessert

  • Cranberry Cheesecake

    Cranberry Cheesecake

    From the moment I took my first ever bite of a cheesecake, I was hooked for life. For the longest time, though, I always bought it, never made it from scratch here at home. It took a friend coming over and making one right in my kitchen before I realized how easy it is. Back…

  • Autumn Apple Pie Live

    Autumn Apple Pie Live

    We celebrated Hulda Clark’s memory on her birthday, October 18, by having a Facebook Live event. We made an apple pie and talked about how Hulda Clark changed our lives and our lifestyle. Watch our event below and pick up a few healthy lifestyle tips I learned from Hulda Clark. During the course of our…

  • Berry Yogurt

    Berry Yogurt

    It’s springtime and berries are back in season. Sure, you can find berries in the grocery store almost any time of the year, but more often than not, they look a little sad and travel-worn. I’m talking about berries you can find at your local farmers market, the kind more than likely grown just within…