Tag: sewing

  • Cosplay Ears

    Cosplay Ears

    We made a movie! My husband, daughter and I have been making a short movie series since summer last year. My daughter calls it Time Brats. It’s a sci-fi fantasy musical, and she invites her cousins, classmates, and in this latest one, the 4th episode, her 2nd grade teacher, to be part of it. It’s…

  • Dressmaking

    My grandmother was a passionate dressmaker. She was constantly on her old treadle sewing machine, churning out clothing for herself and her family. Sometimes she’d admire a dress on TV, stay up all night making it and have the garment finished by morning. As a young girl, I spent a lot of time with her,…

  • Knitting Needles Roll-Up Case

    Knitting Needles Roll-Up Case

    I desperately needed a way to organize my growing collection of knitting needles. Stitch ‘n Bitch: The Knitter’s Handbook has a pattern for the Roll-Your-Own Needle Case on page 234. I knew I eventually had to have something similar before I go insane. My husband was sewing bags and wallets with upholstery fabric at the…