New Year’s Health Resolution

fireworks over the harbor

Nothing changes on New Year’s Day.

New Year’s Day on social media is a time for big pronouncements, taking stock of the past year and making resolutions for the coming one. Whether any of these resolutions endure past Twelfth Night, no one knows. Accountability is a personal thing. So how do we make our New Year’s resolutions stick?

A good resolution should have a Dream, Goals, and Plans. Let’s define them.

A Dream is an aspiration. It is the aim, the ultimate goal, what we want to achieve. It is what we visualize to inspire us. My dream is optimum health in my late forties. I visualize my ideal: a strong fit body and mind. What is your dream? Visualize it clearly. Keep that dream alive throughout the year. Use it to power through tough times, but remember that dreaming is not enough.

A Goal is a dream with a timeline. It needs to be specific, achievable, and measurable. For instance, I want to lose 10 lbs by July 1. This is extra weight I gained over the holidays that I would like to shed before the summer. I think it would be achievable and healthy if I aim to lose 2 lbs by the end of each month till July 1. I would also like to keep those pounds off through the rest of the year. What are your goals? Write them down and set deadlines for achieving them.

A Plan is a series of small steps toward your goals. Break it down as small as you can and create a visual reward system. If you prefer working with a paper planner, designate checkboxes or stickers for each day you execute your plans. If you prefer to use a mobile device, there are many apps you can use to help you track your progress. Let me share my plans with you.

  • Water: 64 oz a day. I track my daily intake on the Health app on my iPhone.
  • Sleep: 8 hours a day. I also track this on the Health app on my iPhone. I don’t wear a device and I keep my phone in the office, but I keep track of the time I go to/get up from bed and enter it manually when I come to work in the morning.
  • Food: I don’t count calories, but I plan to be mindful at the market. More vegetables and fruit. Less sugary snacks.
  • Herbal Cleanses: Begin 18-day Herbal Parasite Cleanse on February 1. Begin 6-week Kidney Cleanse on February 24. Do the Liver Cleanse April 6-7. Begin the Bowel Cleanse on April 9.
  • Hiking and lake swims when weather permits: This is more of a reward though it’s also a means toward my Ultimate Goal. Hike Mt. Katahdin late August could also classify as a Goal, with smaller hikes and lake swims building up to it.
  • Zap + Exercise: I have been experimenting with this over the past year and would like to share it with you in the coming year. Incorporate exercise into the 20-minute breaks in between the three 7-minute zapping sessions. Here’s a video my husband and I made that explains why Hulda Clark recommended three 7-minute zapping with 20-minute breaks in between.

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This video explains why Hulda Clark recommended zapping for 7 minutes three times with 20-minute breaks in between. Watch the entire video which details the origin story of the #huldaclarkzapper at the link in bio. 👈 ✨ Excerpt from “The Cure For All Diseases” by #huldaclark ✨ #parasites #bacteria #viruses #health #huldaclarkzappers #clarkzapper #clarkzappers #frequency #frequencytherapy #electromedicina #electromedicine #electromedicinetherapy #bioelectric #bioresonance #bioresonancetherapy #healthy #healthyhabits #healthyhousehold #curedisease #curediseases #curefordisease #diseasecure #healthyeatinghabits #healthyhabitspayoff #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyholidays #healthyrecipes

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What are your plans for achieving your Goals and Dream? I wish us all the best in 2020!

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