Safe Cosmetics

This video, “The Story of Cosmetics,” is presented by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the same people who created the really eye-opening and much-recommended to watch, “The Story of Stuff.”

I’ve been reading about toxic ingredients in cosmetics and body products since 1997 when I first read Dr. Hulda Clark‘s book, “The Cure For All Cancers.” Back then I was a toxic cocktail of body products, and it showed on my acne-ridden face. I was stuck on a vicious cycle of covering up my acne with toxic cosmetics, thus causing more breakouts to cover up. I had to go cold turkey, through herbal cleanses and zapping sessions, and endure the many months of my body detoxing from the abuse I had heaped upon it for years. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t instant. It took at least a year, if I remember correctly. There were many times when I questioned what I was doing, and was tempted to fall back to my old habits. Whenever my courage flagged, I read more and more books about the subject matter. Natural Organic Hair and Skin Care: Including A to Z Guide to Natural and Synthetic Chemicals in Cosmetics comes to mind, in addition to other titles by Hulda Clark.

When my skin finally cleared, my mind cleared as well. I became well-versed in body product ingredients. I could quickly pick out ingredients to avoid: anything with the syllable prop in it, such as isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol, sodium laurel sulfate, anything with the syllable benz in it, such as benzoyl peroxide. These big ones alone are difficult to avoid. It doesn’t matter if the bottle says “All Natural” or “Organic” on it. Almost every product on the store shelf has at least one of these chemicals in it. They are petroleum-derived and toxic. Do Not Want.

I became known among my family and friends as an all-natural girl. It’s tough when my mom proudly shows me a new body product she’s using with the words “All Natural” in big letters on the bottle, and then when I turn to read the label the first ingredient on it is propylene glycol. Why must I always be the bearer of bad news? Help me out here. Let’s all get educated on the ingredients of the products we rub on our selves and our children. Read those labels and learn to discern between a healthy product and a toxic one.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has made it easier for us by compiling a list of companies who are committed to producing only products that are safe and nontoxic. See if your favorite products made the list. Let your dollars vote on the products that are safe and nontoxic to us and the environment. You and your family are worth the effort.

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