Knitted Baby Booties

Lissa with Knitted Baby Booties

Knitted Baby Booties

I knitted these baby booties for my cousin, Lissa. I got the pattern from Stitch ‘n Bitch Nation, “One-Hour Baby Booties,” page 217. I used a chunky alpaca yarn (I don’t remember anymore what brand) I’ve had left over from last winter. Less than a skein was just perfect. I had only about 6 inches left of the yarn after I was done.

Knitted Baby Booties

The pattern called for loops at the ends of the straps and buttons for closure on the sides, but buttons pose such a safety risk for the little ones. I wouldn’t want the buttons to come loose from kicking and suddenly become a choking hazard for the little infant. So I just crocheted the straps to the booties on both sides and sewed flowers onto the straps for accents.

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