Safe Cosmetics
This video, “The Story of Cosmetics,” is presented by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and the same people who created the really eye-opening and much-recommended to watch, “The Story of Stuff.” I’ve been reading about toxic ingredients in cosmetics and body products since 1997 when I first read Dr. Hulda Clark‘s book, “The Cure For…
Potty Training
Before my baby was born I read about Elimination Communication, a method of detecting and responding to an infant’s elimination needs. It’s not as much “training” as it is becoming in tune with the natural timing of my baby’s body functions. Elimination Communication means teaching children how to eliminate properly right from the start. It’s…
The Stay at Home Dad
My husband and I run our internet business from home, and are both able to raise our baby full time. My husband made this animation while I was still pregnant, and he was still only imagining his life as a full time father. Immediately after I gave birth, my husband began his diaper changing duty.…
Zinc Oxide for Diaper Rash
Along the lines of caring for our baby the best way we know how is the treatment of diaper rash. No matter how careful or diligent a parent one is, there is no avoiding an incident or two of baby developing diaper rash. Perhaps it’s an allergic reaction to something baby ate, or a soiled…
Chlorine-Free Baby Diapers
Long before our baby was born, the subject of diapers has plagued my husband and me. Our midwife suggested using cloth diapers. Cotton is breathable and comfortable against babies’ sensitive skin. Reusable diapers are environmentally responsible. The problem with cloth diapers lies in the cleaning process. The right way to do it would be to…
My Home Birth Story
October 31 at 9 a.m. my water broke. My midwife, Kristen, came about an hour later to check on me. She suggested going on our daily walk, to help the baby descend lower and bring on the contractions. So hubby and I went to take a walk, which was the longest walk we’ve ever taken,…
Midwifery Services vs. Obstetrics-Gynecology
Soon after I found out that I was pregnant, I set out to find the health provider who will assist me throughout my pregnancy and deliver my baby. I knew I wanted to have my child at home. Although hospitals are equipped for any possible emergency, I worry about the stress of driving during labor…
Recipes for Natural Cosmetics
excerpt from The Cure For All Diseases © 1995 by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D. N.D. Eye liner and Eyebrow Pencil Get a pure charcoal pencil (black only) at an art supply store. Try several on yourself (bring a small mirror) in the store to see what hardness suits you. You may need to wet it…
Recipes for Natural Body Products
excerpt from The Cure For All Diseases © 1995 by Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D. N.D. “You can use just borax (like 20 Mule Team Borax TM) and washing soda (like Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda TM for all types of cleaning including your body, laundry, dishes and your house! You don’t need all of…
Aromatherapy for Seduction
Angelica is a warm and musky, herbaceous scent that is very grounding. Avoid use in pregnancy. Black Pepper is a hot and spicy piquant scent that warms and stimulates. It should be used sparingly because it is easily overpowering. It may also irritate sensitive skin. Cardamom is a warm, sweet and spicy scent with a…