Category: Food

  • How Does Your Garden Groove?

    Vacation comes, school is out Summer ends, year in, year out. -Neil Young I can’t believe the summer went by so fast. This summer marks Malaya’s first theatre production. My baby girl is all grown up and onstage! Here is a video (a little over 13 minutes) of their summer camp production of “How Does…

  • The Pretzel Fairies

    The Pretzel Fairies

    What do you do with two 6-year-olds on a misty Sunday afternoon? Make pretzels! It’s so easy making pretzel dough on the breadmaker. And after seeing me make spider-shaped pretzels, the girls, still wearing their fairy wings, took over with their own creations: bacteria… uhrm… dots of some sort. Still yummy! 😀 More pretzel shapes:…

  • Farmers Market Finds

    Farmers Market Finds

    Our local farmers market is back! The Coastside Farmers Market at Rockaway Beach in Pacifica, California is the best source of locally grown produce from May through November. Today was the first farmers market day of the year. It was great to see my favorite vendors again. There’s the Indian food stall, the only seller…

  • Almond Pancakes

    Almond Pancakes

    I found this gluten-free recipe for Almond Pancakes from Mark’s Daily Apple, and it’s been a family favorite ever since: Ingredients: 1 cup almond meal 3 large eggs 1/8 tsp vanilla extract 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon Mix it all together until a batter forms. Pour the batter onto a buttered or greased skillet. Cook over…

  • Carrot Cake Pops for Valentine’s Day

    Carrot Cake Pops for Valentine’s Day

    My friend Issa made amazing Valentine’s Day cake pops that inspired me to make my own version, using the Carrot Cake recipe for my breadmaker. Here’s how I did it: First, I followed my breadmaker’s recipe book instructions on how to make Carrot Cake. You might remember the disaster the first time I made this.…

  • Gingerbread House

    Gingerbread House

    Last year we made a gingerbread house from a Wonka box kit and we had a great time doing it. This year, we got a little bit more ambitious and attempted building our gingerbread house from scratch. We got the Gingerbread recipe and instructions for building a gingerbread house from Family Fun magazine. We started…

  • Gingerbread Creatures

    Gingerbread Creatures

    Bored with the usual Gingerbread Man design? Check out these unique Gingerbread designs: Gingerbread Skeleton Girly Gingerbread Gingerbread Sock Monkey Gingerbread Ninja Gingerbread in Pink Gingerbread Puff Inspired? Recipe for Gingerbread Cookies Ingredients: 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup sugar 3 1/4 cup all purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon…

  • Bony Treats

    Bony Treats

    Pair up these Skeleton Cupcakes with Bone Pretzels for a Halloween afternoon treat! Start with an easy cupcake recipe. Spread homemade chocolate frosting then top with marshmallow skull and white frosting body. A little bit of that homemade chocolate frosting on a chopstick can be used to draw a face on the marshmallow skull. Pretzels…

  • Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

    Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

    My Breadman breadmaker came with a recipe book for various breads, doughs, butters, cakes and other desserts. It’s very handy and I love experimenting with the recipes. The family favorite is homebaked Pretzels. I love making unique shapes for my pretzels. Here’s one that sings… My husband photographed my process one day, so here are…

  • Pumpkin Ice Cream

    Pumpkin Ice Cream

    Ingredients 1 cup whole milk 1/2 cup sugar 1 15-oz can pumpkin 2 cups heavy cream, chilled 1 tsp vanilla extract Follow manufacturer’s instructions on how to prepare your ice cream maker. 1. Heat whole milk in a medium saucepan until it bubbles around the edges. 2. Whisk sugar and pumpkin puree into the heated…