Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

Music Pretzels

My Breadman breadmaker came with a recipe book for various breads, doughs, butters, cakes and other desserts. It’s very handy and I love experimenting with the recipes.

The family favorite is homebaked Pretzels. I love making unique shapes for my pretzels. Here’s one that sings…

My husband photographed my process one day, so here are step-by-step photos of me making my homemade Pretzels.

Put ingredients in the breadmaker pan in the following order:

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

1. 1 1/4 cup water
2. egg yolk, room temperature (reserve egg white for glaze)
3. 1 tbsp oil
4. 2 tbsp sugar
5. 1 tsp salt
6. 1/8 tsp pepper
7. 3 1/2 cups bread flour
8. 1 tbsp active dry yeast

Active Dry Yeast for Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

Put the bread pan in the breadmaker and set to Dough Program.

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

After the breadmaker is done, get the dough out. On a lightly floured surface, cut dough into pieces.

Dough for Pretzel Recipe

Roll each piece of dough into thin rope.

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

Shape the rope-shaped dough into pretzels. Place pretzels on a greased baking sheet 1 1/2 inches apart.

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

Whisk egg white and 1 tbsp water. Brush pretzels with glaze.

Brushing Pretzels with egg white glaze

Sprinkle with kosher salt on top.

Sprinkle kosher salt on Pretzels

Bake at 375 degrees F for 15 to 20 minutes or until done.

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

Pretzel Recipe for Breadmaker

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