Tag: kitchen accessories

  • Cranberry Cheesecake

    Cranberry Cheesecake

    From the moment I took my first ever bite of a cheesecake, I was hooked for life. For the longest time, though, I always bought it, never made it from scratch here at home. It took a friend coming over and making one right in my kitchen before I realized how easy it is. Back…

  • How to make a Thanksgiving Dinner that will make Hulda Clark proud (and kitchen tips for health)

    How to make a Thanksgiving Dinner that will make Hulda Clark proud (and kitchen tips for health)

    I love Thanksgiving Dinner at home. My family loves to cook! Spending the day together in the kitchen is our kind of holiday. While writing down my Thanksgiving Dinner menu the other night, my mind wandered toward a list of what I am thankful for. On top of that list is my family’s health, which…

  • Autumn Apple Pie Live

    Autumn Apple Pie Live

    We celebrated Hulda Clark’s memory on her birthday, October 18, by having a Facebook Live event. We made an apple pie and talked about how Hulda Clark changed our lives and our lifestyle. Watch our event below and pick up a few healthy lifestyle tips I learned from Hulda Clark. During the course of our…

  • Chicken Kitchen

    Chicken Kitchen

    We just recently moved to an old ranch-style farmhouse on a 3.6 acre property. There’s a lot to do, and many springtime dreams of starting a garden, raising chickens and a beehive. Upon move-in, though, my first priority was to clean and set up the kitchen. Let me show you our kitchen, the Chicken Kitchen.…

  • Blueberry Ice Cream and Sorbet

    Blueberry Ice Cream and Sorbet

    There she is! My beautiful red Cuisinart ice cream maker. My mouth is watering just looking at it. I made two desserts this weekend: Blueberry Ice Cream and Blueberry Sorbet. Ingredients Blueberry Sorbet 1 1/4 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 quart blueberries 4 tbsp fresh lemon juice Blueberry Ice Cream 1 pint blueberries 3…

  • Kitchen Tools and Appliances

    Kitchen Tools and Appliances

    The Steamer In my kitchen, the steamer is the appliance I use the most. I can steam a sweet potato, cut in two, two corn cobs and on the second level, chopped broccoli and carrots. Steam brings all the flavor out in these foods and doesn’t drain the vegetables of their nutrition value the way…

  • Kyocera Ceramic Knife

    Kyocera Ceramic Knife

    Following the lifestyle recommendations of Dr. Hulda Clark included setting up a metal-free kitchen. (Dr. Clark would later revise her findings to allow stainless steel cookware.) We bought a few plastic knives but none could take the place of a real sharpened metal knife. That is, until we found the Kyocera Ceramic Knife. The Kyocera…

  • Plastic Containers Recycling Codes

    Plastic Containers Recycling Codes

    Paula wrote: I’ve noticed the numbers inside the recycle symbols under plastic containers. What do these numbers mean? Hello, Paula. The plastic industry created these symbols for identifying the different types of material plastic is made of. It helps recycling plants sort the plastic containers, and is now a way for consumers to know what…