Tag: vegetables

  • Giant Puffball Mushroom

    Giant Puffball Mushroom

    Overnight it seemed, these giant puffball mushrooms sprouted in our backyard. We spotted them in autumn last year and let them grow till they popped into greenish brown powdery spores. Cute, then gross. This year, we found a bunch of them in the same spot. I wondered if they were edible. Google said yes. And…

  • Quail Eggs

    Quail Eggs

    Aren’t quail eggs cute? Five of these quail eggs would have the caloric equivalent of one large chicken egg. They’re rich in vitamin A, choline, selenium, and iron. (Source) You may encounter raw quail eggs on top of tobiko in fine sushi restaurants. It makes my mouth water just typing those words up. Gunkan Tobiko…

  • Aloo Gobi

    Aloo Gobi

    Aloo Gobi is one of those dishes I’ve enjoyed in lunch buffets at Indian Restaurants, but don’t usually order as an entree for dinner. It’s unassuming and understated, not as much star power as the tandooris or the tikka masalas. When it comes to home cooking, though, Aloo Gobi wins because I can make it…

  • Sprouts Plus Vietnamese Noodle Bowl Recipe

    Sprouts Plus Vietnamese Noodle Bowl Recipe

    I sprout. Do you sprout? I just felt like it one morning. I got out a couple of quart mason jars and put in a tablespoon each of alfalfa and mung beans. Poured it full of water, a teaspoon each of food-grade hydrogen peroxide and let it sit for 15 minutes. I trapped a mesh…

  • Fiddleheads


    I’ve never met this vegetable before: fiddleheads. It’s the curled ends of a young ostrich fern, harvested in early spring. It is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. There are so many recipes and ideas for cooking fiddleheads online, but here is the simplest way to serve it: Steam the fiddleheads for about 20…

  • Honey Lemon Ginger Tea

    Honey Lemon Ginger Tea

    It’s a lifesaver. Ginger is known to alleviate headaches, stomach aches, nausea and many other pains. In addition, raw honey is an antibacterial elixir and lemon is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Here’s the recipe for Honey Lemon Ginger Tea (or Ginger Lemonade, if you like it cold): sliced organic ginger…

  • Organic Easter Eggs

    Organic Easter Eggs

    For weeks now I’ve been walking past grocery aisles seeing brightly colored plastic Easter eggs that pop open to contain candy. We’ve been saving our set year after year, and called it the eco-friendly way because they’re reusable. But a basketful of candy is hardly the celebration of spring I would like to encourage as…

  • Guacamole & Salsa

    Guacamole & Salsa

    I make the easiest and most delicious Guacamole & Salsa east of the Mission. Or so I think. Give it a try and see if I’m right. Guacamole & Salsa, when made fresh with organic ingredients, are a super healthy combination. Avocado has more than two times the potassium found in a banana, and is…

  • Green Eggs

    Green Eggs

    I started making green eggs when my daughter was a Dr. Seuss-loving toddler. I started out serving it as a sandwich spread, but now that my family is on a gluten-free diet, I serve it with salad. Let’s start with the recipe. Green Eggs Ingredients: 1 organic avocado 2 organic eggs salt and pepper to…

  • Carrots for Red Highlights in Hair

    Carrots for Red Highlights in Hair

    My husband’s grandmother was an Irish redhead. My husband’s mother had auburn hair. Our daughter’s hair bleached blond under the sun, and darkened as she grew older. She has natural copper  highlights in her hair when the sun hits it. She wanted more of that red to come out. Tonight she showed me a YouTube…