Author: Modern Wife

  • How the Clark Zapper Helps Our Planet

    How the Clark Zapper Helps Our Planet

    There will always be parasites, bacteria, and viruses. As long as there is life, there they will be and many more like them yet to be discovered. Some of them have benefits, others are a cause of disease. We need to find ways to eliminate the pernicious ones with the least harm to us and…

  • Goldenrod


    Our honeybees and wild pollinators are so happy to see the emergence of goldenrod in the late summer. It signals the end of the summer dearth for bees and other pollinators. Believe it or not, once the spring flowers have dried up and before fall flowers bloom, pollinators can experience a scarcity of fresh nectar.…

  • Vitamin C Spray for Sun Protection

    Vitamin C Spray for Sun Protection

    Even before the CDC released results of a study linking sunscreen ingredients to hormone disruption and cell damage, Hulda Clark tested and found sunscreen and many other commercial body products to be polluted with toxic chemicals. Not only is sunscreen bad for people, it is also bad for marine life, creating sex change in fish.…

  • Let’s do the herbal cleanses together!

    Let’s do the herbal cleanses together!

    Grab this rare opportunity to do Hulda Clark‘s Herbal Cleanses along with us. We’ll guide you through the cleanses and provide encouragement and support as we go along. We’ll start on February 1 and complete them all by April 15. Here is the schedule: February 1: begin Herbal Parasite Cleanse Recipe and Mop Up Program…

  • New Year’s Health Resolution

    New Year’s Health Resolution

    Nothing changes on New Year’s Day. New Year’s Day on social media is a time for big pronouncements, taking stock of the past year and making resolutions for the coming one. Whether any of these resolutions endure past Twelfth Night, no one knows. Accountability is a personal thing. So how do we make our New…

  • 10 Less Serious Reasons to Zap

    10 Less Serious Reasons to Zap

      You may have heard about Hulda Clark from a friend or family member. You may have come across any one of her books audaciously titled “The Cure For All Cancers,” “The Cure for HIV and AIDS,” and “The Cure For All Diseases,” among many others. You may have filed that bit of information in…

  • Chicken Tikka Masala Indian Meal

    Chicken Tikka Masala Indian Meal

    My husband introduced me to Indian food when we first started dating. It was love at first bite. I believe my first was The Clay Oven in Portland, Maine, soon followed by forays into Indian Row in New York City. When we moved to California, we went to Kulbir’s India Palace in Alameda faithfully for…

  • Giant Puffball Mushroom

    Giant Puffball Mushroom

    Overnight it seemed, these giant puffball mushrooms sprouted in our backyard. We spotted them in autumn last year and let them grow till they popped into greenish brown powdery spores. Cute, then gross. This year, we found a bunch of them in the same spot. I wondered if they were edible. Google said yes. And…

  • Cranberry Cheesecake

    Cranberry Cheesecake

    From the moment I took my first ever bite of a cheesecake, I was hooked for life. For the longest time, though, I always bought it, never made it from scratch here at home. It took a friend coming over and making one right in my kitchen before I realized how easy it is. Back…

  • How to make a Thanksgiving Dinner that will make Hulda Clark proud (and kitchen tips for health)

    How to make a Thanksgiving Dinner that will make Hulda Clark proud (and kitchen tips for health)

    I love Thanksgiving Dinner at home. My family loves to cook! Spending the day together in the kitchen is our kind of holiday. While writing down my Thanksgiving Dinner menu the other night, my mind wandered toward a list of what I am thankful for. On top of that list is my family’s health, which…