A Tribute to Cornelia Schwarz Stefatos

Gnomes by Cornelia Schwarz Stefatos

Cornelia Schwarz StefatosCornelia was born in Manhattan on the 18th of February, 1928. She attended Yale University School of Art in New Haven, CT, taking courses in painting and sculpture. Aside from her oil paintings, Cornelia also created marionettes. She wrote and illustrated “Seventeen Poems of Fairyland” in 1952. Cornelia Schwarz Stefatos was a Democratic Party Chairwoman for 15 years. In 1973, Cornelia retreated to a Victorian Mansion in New Brighton, Staten Island, where she lived with her old dog Shempie and fellow artists. She died on the 16th of January, 1998.

Oil Paintings
Oil Paintings
Pen and Ink Drawings
Pen and Ink Drawings

Gnomes by Cornelia Schwarz

A Fairy Cookery

Windows of woodland kitchens are alight,
A-blaze with coppery kettles on the peat,
Lids flash and ladles gallop in the pot
As cooks, the chattering cooks, concoct a treat!
Puddings of poppy-seed and pansy sauce,
A soup of spicy nuts and sour-grass,
Poke-berries rolled in yellow pollen dust,
Mint tea and sugar-dew-drops,
A fairy pussy purrs by every fire,
Sparks lightly falling into smoky silk!
Green, greedy eyes approve the fairy feast,
Long whiskers dipping into squirrel’s milk!
A rainbow-colored wine and star-dust bread,
Mauve marmalade and pickled hornet’s feet,
Thin milkweed cookies, hexagons of honey,
Root soup, and roast snap-dragon meat!

Excerpt from “Seventeen Poems of Fairyland”
Written and illustrated by Cornelia Schwarz, 1952

9 responses to “A Tribute to Cornelia Schwarz Stefatos”

  1. I have several of Cornelia’s paintings and I treasure them. They are from a women in New Haven who had befriended her when she was living in New Haven. Cornelia even painted a mural on her kitchen wall which was removed when the house was sold and renovated. Thanks for honoring her great gifts as an artist. Peg Murphy

  2. I have some of her paintings, also. She lived with us here on Staten Island for a number of years.

  3. Rescuing some paintings from Richard Karlsson’s mansion as he has estate sales prior to its sale. Anyone with Cornelia’s paintings should list them here so we could hopefully have an exhibition.

    • I have a large collection of her paintings collected from a dear friend (waa). Looking for the best way to sell and pass along to others who appreciated her work.

      • Brittany: Just noticed your posting done about a year ago. I have “Blue Boy” painted in 1960/61 and purchased directly from Cornelia in July 1967 when she was living on the Bowery. It is not my intention to sell it,but would like to know if there is a market for her works and the price range. Thanks. Joe Flahaven

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